Discover the art of makeup from Amsterdam

Eyeshadow Brush

Eyeshadow Brush
$11,76 $5,88 ($5,88 inc tax)
Eyeshadow Brush
$27,93 ($27,93 inc tax)
HairtypeGoat hair
Eyeshadow Brush
$11,76 ($11,76 inc tax)
HairtypePony hair
Eyeshadow Brush
$17,15 $8,58 ($8,58 inc tax)
HairtypeMarten hair
Eyeshadow Brush
$14,99 ($14,99 inc tax)
HairtypeSynthetic hair
Eyeshadow Brush
$9,60 ($9,60 inc tax)
HairtypeNylon hair
Eyeshadow Brush
$16,07 ($16,07 inc tax)
HairtypeGoat hair
Eyeshadow Brush
$23,63 ($23,63 inc tax)
HairtypePony hair
Eyeshadow Brush
$16,07 ($16,07 inc tax)
HairtypePony hair
Eyeshadow Brush
$16,07 ($16,07 inc tax)
HairtypePony hair
Eyeshadow Brush
$18,23 ($18,23 inc tax)
HairtypeGoat hair
Eyeshadow Brush
$22,54 ($22,54 inc tax)
HairtypeGoat hair
Eyeshadow Brush
$9,60 ($9,60 inc tax)
HairtypeMarten hair
Eyeshadow Brush
$10,68 ($10,68 inc tax)
Eyeshadow Brush
$9,60 ($9,60 inc tax)
Eyeshadow Brush
$22,54 ($22,54 inc tax)
HairtypeGoat hair

Eyeshadow brushes, for a beautiful effect

Without the right eyeshadow brushes, it's almost impossible to create a beautiful eye look. Make-up Studio Amsterdam has a very extensive range of brushes for the eyes. These eyeshadow brushes are made of both natural and/or synthetic hair.

Different types of eyeshadow brushes

There are many different brushes for applying eyeshadows, powder, glitter and other eye makeup products. Use an angled arcade arch brush to draw clean lines in the arcade arch. To apply eyeshadow very precisely and beautifully, use a flat eyeshadow brush. To blend the eyeshadow works excellent with the blending brush. Make-up Studio offers a special eyeliner brush for applying eyeliner.